In the beginning, there was the internet, a brilliant innovation that lacked two major things

Interaction and true ownership!

The earliest version of the internet (Web1) is like reading your favourite newspaper, you can only read passively but cannot contribute or add your input whatsoever. 

The second version(Web2) allowed you to interact with social content like posting on Facebook, creating your website, messaging on WhatsApp, etc.

However, over the years, various internet users have become increasingly concerned about their data on the web.


Because every single time you press Accept Cookies on a website, personalized data like your age, location, preference, contact, and several other personal data are extracted and sold by big tech companies. 

Web3, the long-due messiah, solves the problem of privacy and several other flaws of Web1 and Web2.

Web, web, web…

Fanciful right😀 but what are they?

Let’s find out…

Evolution to Web3

What are Web1 and Web2?

The seed of what is now known as Web3 was sown in 1992 by a notable genius you would want to appreciate for introducing the internet, Tim Berners-Lee.

He created the technologies that led to the creation of the web including typical web applications like the ones you can’t seem to stop tweeting and posting your pics on. 😉

This version of the web was read-only, you could visit static websites to check for information, but you cannot contribute, or comment whatsoever.

Users were just consumers of content, you can’t post your celebrity crush, comment under Creaitz’s LinkedIn post, or do all those awesome things you do nowadays.

Then came Web2. 

Web2 shifted the web from a one-way thing to a more interactive one, you could now like posts, comment, and connect with your friends more seamlessly.

It was at this point that popular platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube came to be.

However transformative as this seems, there is a major problem, your data and preferences are all being closely monitored, controlled, and transacted by big tech companies, and that’s not all.

There is very little privacy also, if you’ve been thinking your chats and online activities are safe, then my dear you’ve been greatly mistaken.

What is Web3?

Unlike Web1 and Web2, Web3 is the next generation of the internet that gives users greater control over their data and more privacy.

Let’s break it down.

Web3 runs on a similar technology used to process cryptocurrency transactions called a blockchain.

A blockchain is a public ledger used to record data. These data are stored in blocks and linked with cryptography.

What makes a blockchain special is that it is decentralized, meaning no single company owns it.

Instead of your data being owned and controlled by a single company, your data is spread across many computers like yours.

This makes it harder for your information to be manipulated, hacked, or controlled.

It puts the governance and administration of the web in the hands of several billion users. 

When you interact with Web2 applications like WhatsApp, they store your data and you don’t have access to it.

But in Web3 your data is encrypted, such that only you can access them.

How does Web3 work?

Web3 works by granting you full control over your data.

In Web2, companies like Facebook or YouTube store your information, but in Web3, your data is kept in a digital wallet.

Think of this wallet as your passkey to accessing the internet, and whenever when you log out, you take your data along with you, interesting right? 😉

Moreover, your wallet isn’t just your pass, it acts as your online identity while keeping your details private.

People online can see what your wallet does, but they can’t link it back to you as a person.

Using decentralized online communities, anyone can participate in decisions being made about the web.

When you own certain tokens, you can vote on changes and issues, and these are automatically implemented through smart contracts.

Thus, making it a more open and fairer way to run things online.

Key Web3 features and applications

Let’s take a cursory glance at the special characteristics that make up this new generation of the internet.

Decentralization: In Web3, no single company controls everything. Instead, information is spread across many computers, making the internet more open and fairer.

Data Ownership: You have complete ownership over your data in Web3, thanks to your digital wallet. You can decide how it’s used; in fact, you can make money from it if you want.

Pseudonymity: Don’t worry, the meaning of this isn’t as complex as the name seems😀. Your wallet acts as your online identity, it gives you privacy by keeping your details hidden, while your actions on the blockchain are still visible.

Smart Contracts: Smart contracts are self-executing contracts, that automatically perform tasks when certain conditions are met, removing the need for middlemen.

Decentralized Apps (dApps): Web3 applications run on the blockchain and aren’t controlled by a single company. These apps give users more control and security.

Tokens and Cryptocurrencies: Web3 uses cryptocurrencies allowing users to trade, vote, and even earn through digital assets.

What are the Potential Advantages and Disadvantages of Web 3?

Yeah, it goes without saying “Every silver lining has a cord”.

While the new internet promises very cool features you should keep it in mind that there are a few challenges with its implementation.

Let’s check out a few…


Web 3 comes with endless mind-blowing benefits like:

Full control over your data.

Being a decision maker on how your data is shared, and used, or if you don’t want it to be accessed externally at all.

Enjoying more transparency because no single person or company is in charge of everything in Web3.


Let’s start with the complexity, the usual challenge with advanced inventions like this is complexity.

Navigating Web3 can be a bit hard for beginners, especially people who aren’t tech-savvy.

Truth is, Web3 isn’t something you can just jump into without having good knowledge of how blockchain, wallets, and cryptocurrencies work.

Also, access is another major hindrance.

To experience Web3, you need the internet and an internet-enabled device.

This could create a messy digital divide, with a large portion of the world still without access to the Internet.

5 Examples of Web3 Applications

  1. NFTs (Non-Fungible Tokens)

NFTs are unique digital items that you can own.

it ranges from art to music, or even virtual real estate. 

Each NFT is different and can’t be replaced, which makes them special. 

People buy and sell them on various platforms, creating a new way for artists and creators alike to share their work.

Example: Opensea

  1. Decentralized Social media

Think of it as social media platforms where you control your data without worrying about big companies using it without your permission. 

Excerpt from Creaitz community voice chat on Web3 social media applications.

Decentralized social media lets you post, share, and connect with people while keeping your information safe. This way, you get to be in charge of your online identity!

The cherry on top of this is that it enables brands to share value with their users.

Example: Warpcast

  1. Blockchain Games

Web3 has also given rise to blockchain games.

These are games where players can truly own their in-game items. 

Instead of just renting or borrowing stuff, you can buy, sell, or trade your items as NFTs.

This brings a whole new experience to gaming, making it more fun and rewarding.

Example: The Sandbox

  1. Decentralized Finance (DeFi)

DeFi is like bringing the bank to the internet, but without the traditional institutions of course. 

It enables you to borrow, lend, and even trade money using blockchain technology. 

You can do all of this directly with other people, making it easier to manage your finances without needing a middleman.

Example: Aave

  1. Decentralized Marketplaces

Decentralized marketplaces are online spaces where you can buy and sell goods directly with other people, without needing a big company to manage everything.

Think of it as a public market where everyone can set up their shop. 

This gives you more choices and even better prices!

Example: Rarible

How to Get Into Web3

You can dive into Web3 by working with blockchain companies or using apps that are built on Web3 e.g. Phantom Wallet.

Blockchain companies usually offer services like handling cryptocurrency transactions and creating software. 

Some examples of companies in the Web3 space are Helium Systems, Coinbase Global, and Huddle.

Below are the various ways you can be an early participant in this new internet:

  1. Explore Different Web3 Jobs 

The good news is that Web3 jobs come in all shapes and sizes! 

You can be anything from a community manager to a developer or even an analyst. Here are a few fun roles you might find:

  • Beta Tester
  • Community Manager
  • Cryptocurrency/NFT Researcher
  • Marketer
  • Technical Writer
  • Web3 Developer

Explore some other Web3 job niches you might want to get started with.

  1. Think About Getting a degree 

To make the most out of the Web3 space as a career person, you should get certified.

The certification you need can vary depending on the niche skill you decide to venture into 

For example, a marketer might need to get certified in marketing, while a developer could benefit from taking a computer science course. 

But in all, hands-on experience can sometimes matter more than a degree. 

Check out job descriptions to see what education is needed for roles that best interest you.

And not sure which role to choose, we have a gift to help you with that.

  1. Learn the Skills You Need for Web3  

The skills you’ll need can change based on the job. For example, a front-end developer might need to know about user experience (UX) and coding languages, while a marketer might focus more on communication and data analysis. 

Here are some technical skills you might see in Web3 job listings:

  • Blockchain technology
  • Data structures
  • Front-end web development
  • Non-fungible token (NFT) creation
  • Programming languages like Solidity, JavaScript, and C++

The good news is that whatever skill you intend to learn, we have comprehensive courses with robust course content to help you.

Check out the course listings here.

How Creaitz Helps

Jumping into Web3 can be exciting and as an early adopter, you can benefit immensely!

However, without the right knowledge and connection, you might be surprised to find yourself running around in circles🤷‍♀️

At Creaitz, we have everything you need to get started with Web3 and make a fortune out of it.

From frequent workshops to a global community that exposes you to priceless connections and global career opportunities.

You stand to gain a lot more by being a Creaitz member.

Join now.

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